No matter what course learners take, LCBS eCampus supports them. With our comprehensive practice materials you are able to test your knowledge as well as assess your exam preparation with our mock assessments.
You will be able to take classes live from anywhere, access videos anytime, Interact with classmates and teachers as you go. Beside this you will get real life exam experience through our e-practice portal for mocks and other exam preparations. All you need is to have a registered id / password which you’ll receive once you register / enroll on any course with us. We are committed to ensure beyond e-learning through this platform for your investment with us.
participate in live classes & structured classes feel like real life through e-classroom advanced features.
access class recordings, video contents & others e-notes
attempt mocks or class tests to monitor your progress simulating actual exam environment
“The most effective, successful professionals are constantly learning, they take the time to apply what they have learned, and they continually work to improve themselves.”
– Joel Gardner
With the noble vision of producing global standard skilled workforce to meet local industry needs and export human talent rather than import from neighboring countries LCBS Dhaka started its journey in 2007 in Ireland and in 2010 in Bangladesh.